Jeff Yang Memorial Scholarship 533 Floral Park Ter South Pasadena, CA 91030

2020 Recipients

Jason Gonzalez

San Gabriel High School
Yale University

Jason Gonzalez possesses the intellect, work ethic, and passion to accomplish great things.  He graduated with a weighted GPA of 4.47 while juggling numerous extracurricular activities, including serving as Captain of the Tennis Team, Vice President of the Math Engineering Science Achievement student group, and Co-Section Leader of the Marching Band.  He also volunteered at the Monterey Park Hospital.  The selection committee was particularly impressed with Jason’s care of a sibling diagnosed with dyslexia – giving additional tutoring at home and fighting the school district for additional resources.  From his volunteering experience and his advocacy on behalf of his sibling, he learned about the inequities in our health care system.  Jason plans to major in Chemistry at Yale University and hopes to become a neurologist, devoting his practice to serving the immigrant community.  We intend to cheer Jason on every step of the way!

Zoey Hsu

Temple City High School
Yale University

Zoey Hsu is a future leader with limitless potential.  Zoey graduated with a 4.0 unweighted GPA.  She served as Editor-in-Chief of her high school newspaper and a member of the Temple City Youth Committee.  Zoey is also an accomplished pianist who has won numerous awards.  More impressive, Zoey led efforts to increase pedestrian safety measures at her high school after a car hit a student.  She hosted a seminar, collected signatures for a petition, and presented victims’ testimonies to the City Council.  She persuaded the City Council to relocate the crosswalk, add yield signs, and increase a landing pad – undoubtedly stopping countless future accidents.  Zoey intends to major in Political Science and Public Policy at Yale University, attend law school, and eventually go into politics.  She wants to be a policymaker who “support[s] and fight[s] for those who face discrimination and unequal opportunities, such as minorities and immigrants.”  We cannot wait to see Zoey’s name on a ballot soon.

Angel Mendoza

Montebello High School

Angel Mendoza has an indomitable drive to succeed.  He wrote, “Perseverance and resilience describe me.  I work hard.  I have done that my whole life.”  Growing up in a working-class family, he saw his father having to juggle three jobs to support him and his siblings.  Angel himself worked in house construction and bicycle repairs and sales to contribute to his household.  During high school, he took a bus for hours in order to attend a school located far from his home, but one that offered him better educational opportunities.  Despite these obstacles, Angel excelled academically and socially.  He was ranked 7th out of his graduating class of 575 students.  He was President of the California Scholarship Federation, Co-founder and President of the Leadership Experience Opportunity Club, a member of the Varsity Cross Country Team, and a member of an award-winning Marching Band.  Angel plans to major in Business Economics at UCLA and hopes to lead language and entrepreneur programs for immigrants.  We are incredibly proud of his accomplishments and look forward to seeing him lead the business world.