Jeff Yang Memorial Scholarship 533 Floral Park Ter South Pasadena, CA 91030

2011 Recipients

Armando Espinoza
Montebello High School
U.C. Santa Barbara

Armando Espinoza has an unshakeable commitment to better his life and his community. Raised by a mother who taught him “that a woman can play the role of father and mother for her family,” he knows first hand the sacrifices we all must make for our loved ones. His drive to succeed, “to be the one who made it to college,” was formed after witnessing his mother work as a domestic worker.… Read More

2010 Recipients

Greg Chen
Arcadia High School
University of Chicago

Greg Chen has not let his family’s working-class background prevent him from achieving amazing successes. While growing up, he remembers his long walks home from school while his parents worked late nights for minimum wage. But Greg always chose perseverance over self-pity. Having arrived in the United States in the 7th grade, speaking no English, Greg has not let any of these obstacles slow him down.… Read More

2009 Recipients

Janet Guan
Alhambra High School

Janet Guan is wise beyond her years and she brims with empathy. The scholarship committee quickly and deeply grew attached to Janet after reading her
application. Born with a cleft lip, she has had to endure long bus rides with her mother, doctor visits where she has translated her own condition, and surgeries. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Janet lives life with tremendous gratitude, joy, and determination.… Read More

2008 Recipients

Jack Wen-Jye Chu
Jack Chu personifies the qualities the Jeff Yang Scholarship hopes to promote: a drive to always better oneself, commitment to serve others, and appreciation for people and things in our lives. He was Valedictorian of his graduating class from Mark Keppel High School. In addition to excelling academically, Jack was active on and off campus as President of Crown & Scepter, Co-President of Student Advocacy for Voting Empowerment, and Chief Facilitator for the City of Monterey Park’s Harmony Festival.… Read More

2007 Recipients

Eric Antonio Arevalo
Damien High School
University of Notre Dame

There is little doubt that Eric Arevalo will accomplish great things in his lifetime. He graduated with a 4.3 weighted GPA from Damien High School and was the Associate Student Body President, Team Captain of the Wrestling Team, and President of the Spanish Club. Eric also received numerous awards such as being named both the top student from the Science and Math department, AP Scholar, and Scholar Athlete of the Year.… Read More